Guides: intro

Welcome to the Takeda Content Guide

Below you will find links to the the Takeda Content Elements, with dummy content and images so you can get an idea of how to make them work best for you.


for best results please use images in the following proportions


min size: 1200px x 800px
Teasers | Articles | Slides | Slideshows | Trinities

Full Width: 2400px x 800px
Slides | Slideshows



min size: 1772px x 560px
Articles | Campaigns | Galleries | Views Pages | Webforms



Guide: dog

News Blog & Press

the main paragraph type contains images and texts

Guides: all


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Campaign Pages & Moodblocks

Standard Slides

Guides: all

Campaign Pages & Moodblocks

Trinities, Single Slides, Mini Teasers, Teaser Feeds, Text Blocks with Menus and Links, Slideshows & Galleries

Guides | Landscapes


The Trinity is one of the most used teaser elements in the takeda cosmos, it consists of 3 equally spaced teasers with responsive displays.

Guides | Landscapes

Single Slides

Single Slides are perfect teaser and can include links and targeted references

Guide | Landscape

Single Slides & Grids

The single slides can be displayed in various Grid Formats

Mini Teasers

Mini Teasers

Mini Teasers are small linked teaser blocks with optional headlines, icons and texts.

Guides | Landscapes

Teaser Feeds

Teaser Feeds are multple teaser blocks generated from articles

Guides | Landscapes

Text Blocks

Text Blocks settings with multiple link and menu possibilities

Guide | Landscape


Group content together with a slideshow

Guides: Gallery


Galleries are perfect for multiple images, representations of keynotes and events


Parallax Pages

Parallax Scrolling Pages and Sections